
顯示從 7月, 2012 起發佈的文章

遙控器的英文怎麼說:Remote Control (入內有更多解釋)

Remote Control 也可簡寫為Remote A device or a system for controlling something from a distance. ( cambridge ) A remote control is any device used for the remote operation of a machine. ( wikipedia ) Pic CC-BY-SA 2.0 by  osde8info 那麼再多看幾個範例吧: Remote-Controlled Car 「遙控車」就是 Remote-Controlled Car或Radio-Controlled Car,簡稱R/C car (或寫做RC car,別認不出來唷): Pic CC-BY-SA 2.0 by  Tom Raftery Remote Manipulator 大概要翻成遙控操作手臂之類的吧。 A remote manipulator, also known as a telefactor, telemanipulator, or waldo (after the short story "Waldo" by Robert A. Heinlein which features a man who invents and uses such devices), is a device which, through electronic, hydraulic, or mechanical linkages, allows a hand-like mechanism to be controlled by a human operator. The purpose of such a device is usually to move or manipulate hazardous materials for reasons of safety. ( wikipedia ) Pic CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0 by  DUCKofD3ATH

對講機的英文怎麼說 (有分大廈對講機跟手持對講機兩種...)

雖然在中文都是對講機,但是在英文裡大樓用的對講機跟無線電對講機 通常用不同的單字。 Pic CC-BY-NC 2.0 by  nicolasnova 大樓對講機 (其實也不一定是大樓對講機,例如捷運上緊急跟駕駛艙通話的對講機,官方也是用intercom這個字) intercom interphone talkback doorphone 解說 An intercom (intercommunication device), talkback or doorphone is a stand-alone voice communications system for use within a building or small collection of buildings, functioning independently of the public telephone network. ( wikipedia ) a set of communications devices that allows people in different parts of a building, aircraft, ship, etc., to speak to each other. ( cambridge dictionary ) Pic CC-BY-NC 2.0 by  T Gibbison 無線電對講機 handheld transceiver (handheld=手持, transceiver=收發器) walkie talkie two-way radio 解說 A walkie-talkie (more formally known as a handheld transceiver) is a hand-held, portable, two-way radio transceiver. Its development during the Second World War has been variously credited to Donald L. Hings, radio engineer Alfred J. Gross, and engineering teams at

健身車的英文怎麼說 (已解決)

Pic CC-BY-SA 2.0 by rmgimages 常見的有兩種寫法: stationary bike stationary=不動的 不動的腳踏車,就是放在室內、原地騎的腳踏車。 exercise bike exercise=運動 稍加變化也都是可接受的: stationary bicycle exercise bicycle stationary exercise bike 照慣例英解說明,自認英文不好的人、我更要鼓勵您努力看完英解: a machine for taking exercise which looks similar to and is used like a bicycle but does not move from one place. ( cambridge dictionary ) a bicycle that stays in one place, used for physical exercise. ( macmillan dictionary )


背書有兩種 1. 背課文那種背 recite Cambridge字典 :to say a piece of writing aloud from memory, or to publicly state a list of things 不過這個背是指記好了、開始「背出來」的背誦。 要指正在默背的動作的話,可以用memorize、rote(死背)、或prepare for recitation(較少用, 不過外國人很聰明應該聽得懂 )。 2. 保證的背(源自在票據背後簽名) endorsement(異體字indorsement) 這是一個法律術語,指的是在票據上簽名,票據所規定之權利由背書人轉讓給被背書人。但也有衍生出保證、支持的意思,例如為候選人背書等。 照慣例 Cambridge字典的說明 : the act of signing the back of a cheque, bill of exchange, etc. that has your name on it in order to give your permission for it to be paid to someone else a public statement made by someone saying that they approve of or support someone or something


athlete's foot athlete=運動員 運動員的腳,由來是悶熱潮溼的鞋子本來就特別容易中香港腳,這應該是最常見的用法了,連高中英文課本都有收錄。 tinea pedis tinea=癬, pedis是拉丁文pēs的變型,pēs=腳,加起來就是足癬。 tinea pedis似乎是拉丁文學名,可能是醫療界的用法...吧?有醫生可以解答嗎XD ringworm of the foot ringworm=癬 癬 of the foot,也是直翻成足癬。 Hong Kong foot 直翻法,但似乎是很少見的寫法,跟外國人溝通的話,講athlete's foot應該還是比較好懂。 為何叫「香港腳」 有此一說:因為英國殖民香港的時候,從相對乾燥的歐洲來到濕悶的香港,加上不透氣的軍靴,很多軍人都中了足癬,但英軍醫沒見過這種皮膚病,所以就視為香港的流行病,命名為「香港腳」(Hong Kong foot)。 像這種探究常識的由來的文章,在我的粉絲頁裡有不少,歡迎加入! 參考 wiki: 足癬 wiktionary: pedis wiki: Athlete's foot