
顯示從 2月, 2016 起發佈的文章


Pic CC-BY-NC by  Juan Carlos Mejía 答: tuition 劍橋字典解釋得還蠻清楚的: (mainly UK) ​teaching, ​especially when given to a ​small ​group or one ​person, such as in a ​college or ​university  (mainly US (UK usually tuition fees)) the ​money ​paid for this ​typeof ​teaching 簡單整理如下 英式英文: tuition:教學 tuition fees:學費 美式英文: tuition:學費 另外還有一些講法也可以表達,如: school expenses school fees his parents paid for his schooling ( oxford dictionaries: schooling )


CC BY-NC-SA by  Pavel P. ventilation the ​movement of ​fresh ​air around a ​closed ​space, or the ​system that does this. 圖片裡的通風窗,英文叫做 ventilation grill  (連結是 Google Image 搜尋,可以看到實際範例) 通風扇 (尤其是工業用那種大風扇或裝在牆上的排風扇) 叫做 ventilation fan ventilate to ​cause ​fresh ​air to ​enter and ​move around a ​closed ​space. air 當動詞 to ​become ​dry and/or ​fresh, or to ​cause to ​become ​dry and/or ​fresh. 例句 ( 來源 ) The room needs to be aired. 房內需要通風。