
顯示從 12月, 2012 起發佈的文章

YOLO的中文意思是什麼 (已解決)

YOLO = You Only Live Once (你只能活一次/人生只有一次) YOLO is an acronym for "you only live once". Similar to carpe diem, it implies that one should enjoy life , even if that entails taking risks. ( wikipedia ) 看到這個字是因為:很惡搞的短片Charlie the Unicorn隔了好幾年終於出了 第4集 ,片尾的海星大喊~"YOLO",這當然是有原因的,請從第3集開始看...XD 另外有一個反過來的字 OLOY = Only Losers Obey Yolo (失敗者才奉行YOLO)

公共電話的英文怎麼說:payphone (入內還有相關的單字)

公共電話最常見的用法是: Payphone Payphone (Pic CC-BY-NC-ND by  HeyNix ) 照慣例的英解先: a public phone that is operated using coins or a card ( cambridge: payphone ) A payphone (alternative spelling: pay phone) is a public telephone, often located in a telephone booth or a privacy hood, with pre-payment by inserting money (usually coins), a credit or debit card, or a telephone card. ( wikipedia: Payphone ) 然後既然兩則應解都直接用 public telephone ,你當然也可以直接用。 附帶一提,Pop Rock團體 Maroon 5 (官方翻譯:魔力紅) 有一首歌就叫  Payphone ,雖然MV劇情還蠻硬凹的... 在Wikipedia上看到一些其他的字,但意思有點不一樣,以下說明: telephone booth (美國、加拿大) telephone box (英國、澳洲) =電話亭 telephone booth (Pic CC-BY-NC by  el dubb ) Red telephone box 由Giles Gilbert Scott爵士所設計的公共電話亭,應該算蠻知名的英國特色。台灣也有設立仿製的電話亭喔! Red telephone box (Pic CC-BY-NC-SA by  Click-track Heart ) 以下雖然也是公共使用的電話,但不是投幣或插卡的電話,而是比較偏向專線直播的公共用電話。 Callbox  (點進去是wiki,有照片,下同) 這個我查到在美國是指專線用途的電話,例如緊急電話、職員或客戶直播的電話。 但在英國等於telephone box。 Police box 英國的警察公共電話亭,跟一般的公共電話...

抓孤輪/翹前輪 的英文怎麼說: wheelie (入內解釋, 另有: 翹後輪的英文)

翹孤輪/翹前輪:Wheelie Wheelie (Pic CC BY-NC-ND by  Two Big Paws ) In vehicle acrobatics(特技表演), a wheelie is a vehicle maneuver(花招) in which the front wheel or wheels come off the ground due to extreme torque(力矩) being applied to the rear wheel or wheels. ( wikipedia: Wheelie ) 煞車翹後輪:Stoppie Stoppie (Pic CC-BY-ND by  LeeLilly ) The stoppie (also known as Endo), is a motorcycle and bicycle trick in which the back wheel is lifted and the bike is ridden on the front wheel by carefully applying brake(煞車) pressure. It is also sometimes called a front wheelie. ( wikipedia: Stoppie ) 所以我們知道至少知道有三種可用: stoppie endo front wheelie 但很多人似乎以為front wheelie是翹前輪(用front wheelie搜尋的話,會發現很多照片是翹前輪的),所以要講翹後輪的話,stoppie還是最明確的用法。 有前(front)輪當然也就有後(rear)輪,雖然也有查到有人在用rear wheelie,但似乎不多,總之翹前輪=wheelie,翹後輪=stoppie。 另外還有一種翹後輪,不是透過煞車,而是靠著動力倒車(例如沙灘車、特技腳踏車),這種可以用backward wheelie。 對方聽不懂wheelie或stoppie的話怎麼辦呢?其實回歸原始,翹孤輪就是 front/rear wheel(s) come off the ground (如果你是指汽車翹前輪的話,wheel要加s) 有興趣...