
顯示從 3月, 2013 起發佈的文章

DM 的意思、英文全寫

我挑了幾個常見/重要的縮寫全文,但其實還有 更多 ,在台灣最常見應該就屬廣告傳單了吧: D irect M ail 直郵廣告信 Advertising mail, also known as direct mail , junk mail, or admail, is the delivery of advertising material to recipients of postal mail. D iabetes M ellitus 糖尿病 Diabetes mellitus , or simply diabetes , is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced. This high blood sugar produces the classical symptoms of polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (increased thirst) and polyphagia (increased hunger). blood sugar: 血糖 insulin: 胰島素 polyuria: 多尿 polydipsia: 多飲 polyphagia: 多食 D eci m ete 公寸 A decimetre (American spelling: decimeter, symbol dm) is a unit of length in the metric system, equal to one tenth of a metre, (or ten centimetres) the SI base unit of length. SI: 萬國公制 (法文 Système International d'Unités) 需注意,公寸跟英寸是不一樣的 英吋 = 2.54 cm 公寸 = 10 cm ...

飽和的英文怎麼說: saturated (入內詳細)

saturate to make something or someone completely wet, or to make a place completely full of something ( cambridge: saturate ) (Pic CC BY by  Horia Varlan ) 好像沒有太多可以講解的,所以我找了幾種不同東西的「飽和」,可以順便看一下他們的英解: 溶液濃度飽和 In physical chemistry, saturation is the point at which a solution of a substance can dissolve no more of that substance and additional amounts of it will appear as a separate phase ( wikipedia: Saturation ) * solution : 溶液 * dissolve : 溶解 色彩飽和 colorfulness, chroma, and saturation are related but distinct concepts referring to the perceived intensity of a specific color. ( wikipedia: Colorfulness ) 市場飽和 When the amount of product provided in a market has been maximized in the current state of the marketplace. ( investopedia: market saturation ) 最後,別忘了對應句子選擇適合的型 動詞 saturate 形容詞 saturated 名詞 saturation