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如果之前有讀過一些衣服種類的英文,應該蠻多人知道 tank top (或簡稱 tank) 不過還有個俗稱更俗: wifebeater (wife beater 或 wife-beater 也可) 為什麼要叫 wifebeater 呢? 一說是肌肉男愛穿吊嘎、然後肌肉男感覺好像會打老婆。另一說是在美國影集 Cops  裡,打老婆的角色常穿吊嘎。 wife-beater pic CC-BY-NC-ND by  stevebev 英解: The term "A-shirt" is short for "athletic shirt" because it is often worn in sports, such as basketball and track-and-field events. In the United States, it is also known colloquially as a tank top or by its other nicknames, wife-beater or guinea tee. ( wikipedia: Sleeveless_shirt#A-shirt ) a man's white tank top ( merriam-webster: wifebeater ) A kind of sleeveless shirt, often but not exclusively worn as an undershirt. ( wiktionary: wifebeater ) 從英解的第 1 點可以知道,有幾個同義詞: A-shirt (athletic shirt) tank top wife-beater guinea tee 除了已經列在上面的連結,還有些參考自 這個網站 ,裡面也有網友回報 wifebeater 的用法在美國、英國還蠻常見的。