
顯示從 2月, 2014 起發佈的文章


Pic CC-BY by  akasped 幾個禮拜前北美遭「北極漩渦」肆虐,新聞的部份我想大家都在電視、報紙上看到了。 不過很多新聞都沒有把「北極漩渦」的原文寫出來,這邊剛好來講一下 polar vortex  (北極漩渦) :  A polar vortex (also known as a polar cyclone, polar low, or a circumpolar whirl) is a persistent, large-scale cyclone located near either of a planet's geographical poles. polar  (北極) : of or near the area around the most northern or most southern points of the earth. 順帶一提: polar bear  (北極熊) : a large, white bear that lives in the cold regions of the north. vortex  (漩渦) : a mass of air or water that spins around very fast and pulls objects into its empty center.