玩具空氣槍:airsoft gun

在youtube看影片看到的標題airsoft gun,點開才發現原來就是玩具空氣槍

air gun
bb gun
airsoft gun

首先air gun

An air gun (air rifle or air pistol) is a rifle or pistol which fires projectiles by means of compressed air or other gas, in contrast to a firearm which uses an explosion or combustion of a propellant. Air guns are used for hunting, leisurely recreational shooting (commonly known as plinking), and precision sports, such as the Olympic 10 m Air Rifle and 10 m Air Pistol events.

Most air guns use metallic projectiles as ammunition. Air guns that only use plastic projectiles are further classified as airsoft guns.

再來bb gun
BB guns are a type of air gun designed to shoot projectiles called BB after the Birdshot pellet of approximately the same size.
airsoft gun

An airsoft gun is a type of gun used for recreational purposes, and firing nonlethal projectiles.

不過我來額外補充一些東西(雖然也都在wiki的內容裡),我們俗稱BB槍,是因為那個「BB彈」跟獵鳥用彈的BB等級大小接近(詳見wikipedia中bb gun條目的表格),但其實BB彈有鋼製的,具有不小殺傷力。

空氣槍方面,實際上包含打獵用的空氣槍,台灣一般都直接把玩具空氣槍簡稱空氣槍,英文中則會分air gun跟airsoft gun,不過這也許跟台灣(大陸那邊應該也是)禁止私人持有真槍有關。


[已解決] zh或zh-tw, zh-cn是什麼的縮寫?

對講機的英文怎麼說 (有分大廈對講機跟手持對講機兩種...)
