背書有兩種 1. 背課文那種背 recite Cambridge字典 :to say a piece of writing aloud from memory, or to publicly state a list of things 不過這個背是指記好了、開始「背出來」的背誦。 要指正在默背的動作的話,可以用memorize、rote(死背)、或prepare for recitation(較少用, 不過外國人很聰明應該聽得懂 )。 2. 保證的背(源自在票據背後簽名) endorsement(異體字indorsement) 這是一個法律術語,指的是在票據上簽名,票據所規定之權利由背書人轉讓給被背書人。但也有衍生出保證、支持的意思,例如為候選人背書等。 照慣例 Cambridge字典的說明 : the act of signing the back of a cheque, bill of exchange, etc. that has your name on it in order to give your permission for it to be paid to someone else a public statement made by someone saying that they approve of or support someone or something