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FWIW跟FWIAW是什麼的縮寫?中文意思是什麼? (內詳)

FWIW 是 For What It's Worth 的縮寫。 通常會翻成:不論好壞、不管有沒有用、無論如何...等等。 但它的意思很難直接套用一個中文的詞,所以下面會用英解跟例句來說明它的意思: 解釋 said when you are giving someone a piece of information and you are not certain if that information is useful or important ( cambridge ) considering what limited worth this advice, opinion, or suggestion might have for you ( wiktionary ) Used to soften the presentation of unsolicited advice or information that may not be relevant ( wiktionary ) 1跟2解釋差不多,提供一個不知道有沒有用、重不重要、可能沒什麼用的資訊時說的,類似「 不知道講出來有沒有幫助 ,但就我所知是那樣那樣...」 例句 And that's my opinion, for what it's worth. They are, for what it's worth, the single most successful eastern arts group in the West. 3適用在含有歉意的情境,例如「雖然對你很抱歉, 但先不論好壞 ,他的處置是正確的」或「 我說什麼都沒用了 ,但對不起...我把事情搞砸了」 例句 For what it's worth, I'm sorry that I messed up your work. FWIAW 則是 For What It's All Worth 的縮寫。跟FWIW一樣的意思,但FWIW比較常用。 語源 有興趣也可以讀一下wiktionary的語源部分: "For what it's worth" is useful to emphasi...