eskimo brothers 的中文意思 (兒童不宜)

今天要來教大家兩個不良片語:eskimo brothers 跟 wiener cousins

igloo Pic CC BY-NC-SA by keltose

"Eskimo Brothers" are men that have slept with the same woman. At one time or another, they 'shared an igloo'. It's similar to "wiener cousins". (wiki.answers)

  • slept: sleep 的過去完成式,sleep 本來就可以翻成「與誰上床」的意思,依照前後文來看,在這裡就是這個意思。
  • igloo: 冰屋
    a circular house made of blocks of hard snow, esp. one built by the Inuit people of northern North America. (cambridge dictionary: igloo)

「共用一個冰屋」(強調),簡單來說,就是穴兄弟... 另外,也可以寫成 eskimo bros。

至於 wiener cousins...

wiener Pic BY-ND by mdssandwiches

cambridge dictionary - wiener: a frankfurter (= thin, red-brown sausage)

wiener 是維也納香腸,暗指小雞雞,剩下的不解釋。


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